Spam Protection & Email Filtering
Spam is a massive daily calling for so many bad actors. For many, it may seem harmless, but it may be the single entry point for advanced threats. It is time that your organization takes advantage of our highly secure anti-spam email gateway to offer you protection against such advanced threats that cannot be detected by traditional tools. With real-time updates from global security labs, we ensure that your business is always one step ahead of cybercriminals.
Malware Protection
Most Malware comes through email, a clicked link, or even a macro-enabled Microsoft Word document. New types of malware are constantly updated to include new evasion and backdoor techniques designed to fool users and security services as well. Some of these evasion techniques rely on simple tactics, such as using web proxies to hide malicious traffic or source IP addresses. You need advanced malware protection to secure your data. Our multi-layered approach will ensure that such malware is stopped before reaching your organization's mailboxes.
Spear Phishing Protection
Spear Phishing has become a preferred method for cybercriminals seeking very sensitive information. Protection against spear phishing is fundamental to any email security plan and solution. It is imperative to note that not many are protected from these fraudulent emails and hence any organization whether small, medium or large enterprise could fall victim to these highly engineered attacks. Total protection will ensure that such targeted emails are stopped before reaching your user mailboxes.
Ransomware Protection
Criminals use ransomware, a type of malware, to find and encrypt your important data, and to demand a ransom in exchange for a decryption key. With rapid growth overall in ransomware infections, protecting your organization against these new security issues makes it imperative to address before becoming a victim as your email could still provide attackers a direct route to your users, making it the top threat vector for ransomware campaigns. If you have been hacked, do not pay any ransom. Click here for our recovery solutions from ransomware-based attacks.
URL Defense
Malicious URLs are becoming an increasingly important cyber threat. Ransomware and phishing – two of the most concerning email threats today – both often leverage malicious links to either distribute malware or illegitimately obtain important credentials. The malicious links they use will often be clicked on, as they look legitimate to the undiscerning eye, but will actually refer to sites that can propagate the sorts of attacks to which organizations are most at risk. Protect your organization by blocking access to malicious, hacked, or inappropriate URLs with our secure email security solution.
Email & Domain Spoofing
Email spoofing is a threat that involves sending email messages with a fake sender address. These function as masks for scammers, allowing them to bypass both email servers that filter out dubious senders and users who miss the look-alike domains. Email protocols cannot, on their own, authenticate the source of an email. Therefore, it is relatively easy for a spammer or other malicious actors to change the metadata of an email. This way, the protocols think it came from the real sender. Our solution addresses both inbound and outbound traffic to enforce compliance policies, detect and prevent threats, and protect your company’s data assets.
Business Email Compromise
Business Email Compromise (BEC), is one of the fastest-growing and costliest threats today. With BEC, an attacker obtains access to a business email account and imitates the owner’s identity, in order to defraud the company and its employees, customers, or partners. Often, an attacker will create an account with an email address almost identical to one on the corporate network, relying on the assumed trust between the victim and their email account. BEC is sometimes known as a man-in-the-middle attack. Our solution is carefully designed to protect your business against this impersonation.
Protection against Email Fraud
Email fraud, also known as an email scam, is intentional deception for either personal gain or to damage another individual by means of email. Email fraud can take the form of a "con game", or scam. These include 'too good to be true' investments or offers to sell popular items at 'impossibly low' prices. Many people have lost their life savings due to fraud. Call us today for FREE assistance.
Cybercriminals often exploit IT staff negligence and poor security measures. What good is an alarm system if the last person leaving the building does not switch it on? It has virtually no value. The same goes for the digital security systems of an organization. Most software applications and network devices come with default settings that are weak and meant to be changed immediately after installation. The challenge is that organizations grow and so do their networks, applications, and a number of devices. It becomes increasingly difficult to keep an eye on everything and make sure there are no security gaps.
Malicious Email
As most email servers automatically block malicious programs, cybercriminals are hiding threats in email attachments. These attachments are packed with malware capable of planting a virus and are often used in spear-phishing attacks, to deliver banking Trojans, ransomware, and other malware. We provide a deep inspection of every email attachment coupled with sandboxing. This double layer protection ensures that only genuine attachments are seen by your users.
Zero-Day Exploits
The world today has seen a surge in zero-day attacks. These attacks are specific kinds of vulnerabilities that are found in software or hardware that is mostly undetectable to the vendor. Zero-day vulnerabilities can take almost any form, because they can manifest as any type of broader software vulnerability, for example, missing data encryption, SQL injection, buffer overflows, missing authorizations, broken algorithms, URL redirects, bugs, or problems with password security. Learn how to protect your organization from zero-day exploits.