With personal mobile devices like tablets and smartphones now being used in almost every business process, there is too much inherent risk in hoping that employees will keep their operating system and apps up to date. Mobile devices are the key to productivity, so cyber criminals have been increasingly exploiting mobile vulnerabilities on outdated apps and OS versions to initiate their attack. Amplifying this risk, a single out of date app can expose the entire device to exploitation. Patching mobile vulnerabilities has become a priority

Traditional vulnerability and patch management focuses on servers, rather than endpoints. This is because desktops and laptops are managed, use a common image and are regularly patched. Therefore, the primary vulnerability risk has been the un-patched server. Today, it is only possible to ensure managed mobile devices run a minimum version of the operating
system with mobile device management (MDM). But as organizations increasingly introduce Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) for work, MDM cannot provide complete coverage


  • Gain visibility into all mobile operating
    system versions
  • Access the most comprehensive mobile
    vulnerability database
  • Obtain insights into Common Vulnerabilities
    and Exposures (CVE) in unpatched apps
    Enforce patch management policies through
    data access limitations
  • Manage risk exposure with custom
    remediation policie